Wednesday, February 2, 2011

Depression sleep

You know how that feels right.

So on the down low that you seek comfort is just curling up into a ball and sleeping. Sure beats the cheesy chick flick Mac and cheese whip cream chocolate and chips.

I just want to sleep. When someone tells you that you should go into recovery counciling and see a therapist you might get one or two things. Pissed off or hurt. Then aventually it leads to depression.

So I'm planning on sleeping the pain away. Fuck I want to just scream!



  1. I know exactly how you feel.
    Just remember tomorrow is a new day.

  2. I can relate....
    but just remember today is almost over.
    Do something you enjoy. Play a game, read a book, draw, whatever - just get your mind off of stuff.. and smile. =3
